osu! bannable macros – SOCD (Snap Tap, DKS), Rapid Trigger?

The popular rhythm game osu! has updated its official rules to provide clearer guidelines on using macros and keybinds. This update doesn’t change the game’s policy but aims to make it easier for players to understand what is allowed and what isn’t.

The updated rules provide specific examples to help players understand what is acceptable:

Disallowed Practices in osu!

  • Macros: Any setup where pressing a key doesn’t correspond directly to the same action in the game is not allowed. This means you can’t have one key press perform multiple actions or different actions than intended.
  • SOCD Resolution (e.g., Rappy Snappy, Snap Tap): This technique, which involves pressing opposite directional inputs simultaneously to gain an advantage, is not allowed.
  • Dynamic Keystroke (DKS): Tools or software that modify how keystrokes are registered in the game to provide an advantage are banned.

Allowed Practices in osu!

  • Rapid Trigger: This feature available in Hall Effect keyboards, where keys are pressed rapidly, is allowed as long as each key press corresponds to a single in-game action.
  • Binding Multiple Keys to K1 or K2: Rebinding keys to the game’s primary keys (K1 and K2) is permitted, provided each key press and release directly matches an in-game action.

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